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Future Years SAT Test Dates Schedules and Deadlines Well

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Future Years SAT Test Dates, Schedules, and Deadlines
<h1>SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips</h1>

Future SAT test dates are only confirmed less than a year in advance, but we at PrepScholar have done the hard work of looking at past test date patterns to predict future SAT test dates and registration deadlines. For 2017, the official timetable is set in stone. But even though they're more uncertain, we can predict future years like 2018 and 2019 with decent confidence. These predictions have been updated in April 2017 to reflect the latest possible data.

For historical SAT test dates from 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, and before, check out our post on past SAT test dates.

<h2>School Year Ending 2018 (i.e. 2017-2018)</h2>

This year's test dates and registration deadlines are officially confirmed by the College Board . This will be the first year with an August test date instead of a January one.

<h3>SAT Test Dates May Change</p> </h3>

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<h2>School Year Ending 2019</h2>

This year's test dates are listed by the College Board, but still subject to change. The registration deadlines are projected by PrepScholar. Please read the notes about projection accuracy below.

<h2>School Year Ending 2020</h2>

This year's test dates are listed by the College Board, but still subject to change. The registration deadlines are projected by PrepScholar. Please read the notes about projection accuracy below.

<h2>School Year Ending 2021</h2>

This year's test dates are tentatively listed by the College Board, but could still change. The registration deadlines are projected by PrepScholar. Please read the notes about projection accuracy below.

<h2>How to Use These SAT Test Date Projections</h2>

The vast majority of the dates above should be exactly correct. So if you're taking the test in January of 2017 and want to know if a test date lands on your birthday, much more likely than not, this calendar will tell you. Also, if you're okay with some dates being off by a week exactly, then you can look at the calendar and know that it's okay to take a long vacation at the end of December through early January 2017 and know you won't hit a test date.

However, like all projections, there will always be some margin of error. Feel free to plan using the calendar above and, within a year of the planned test date, check with the College Board for official dates. As long as you don't bet your life on it, the above dates should help you get an idea of when future SAT tests will be held.

<h2>What's Next?</h2>

Are you aiming for a high score on the SAT? Check out our popular guide on how to get a perfect SAT score, written by a full scorer.

Found this article useful? Get a lot more help with our Free SAT Ebook!

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Fred is co-founder of PrepScholar. He scored a perfect score on the SAT and is passionate about sharing information with aspiring students. Fred graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelor's in Mathematics and a PhD in Economics.

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